Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pictures ahoy. WARNING: Extreme close ups = gross

Just a wee update about my teeth. The soreness was gone yesterday by noon, thank goodness and it's been all good since. Bit of soreness popping the aligner off my bottom right canine because of the button. But I deal with that every couple of aligners anyway so nothing new.

I took a lot of pictures of the aligners, against different backgrounds and lighting to see what would turn out best. Turns out there is something decent about most of the ones I took so I will probably post a lot of them.

As always, click on the picture to see it REALLY well(and big)
Left: upper 1 , lower 1
Right: upper 13, lower 13(my NEXT set)
You can see how my aches widened a bit. Especially in the front of the mouth.

This is my upper number 13 and upper number 1 upside down so you can see the difference and see what the aligners look like(especially the "bridge" of plastic between the gap that I was talking about)And this is them right side up. Sorry. I couldn't get it any clearer. Damn flash.

If you click on this one you can see the details of the aligners fairly well
Just lighter. My first Top and Bottom aligners on the left, #13s on the right

On to the teeth.

This is my teeth WITH the 12th aligners on

Just wanted to show you how the aligners the look in comparison with no aligners so I am
not wearing any on the top but I am wearing my bottoms. They aren't too noticeable.

My teeth without aligners after roughly 2 days in aligners #12. My bottoms look horrible, there is a black triangle between my front two and they are even more uneven now. I don't remember my bottom teeth looking that bad but unfortunately I don't have good pictures of my bottom teeth from before I started. I know my ortho does on his dolphin program so I will look when I go in for my appointment.

My teeth sans aligners when I smile naturally.
The midline is still way off.

Overall I am happy with the results so far and I am only on the 12th aligner. I have 7 more to go on top and 6 more on the bottom. It is nice to know I am more than halfway done my initial treatment so far :)

Don't know when I will do pictures again. Probably in August or September unless I see a really huge change before then.

I have an appointment with my ortho soon so I will update after I ask him all my questions and get a check up.



Dragon (Karen) said...

It's great to see your progress and it's great being able to compare aligners.

Here's to your teeth continuing to move so well!

Anonymous said...

My dentist mentioned fixing my midline too w/Invisalign, but I don't know how well that is gunna work...Good thing is, ppl who don't look at their teeth all the time (like me, and others w/braces) hardly ever notice a midline being out of alignment. Especially after all of the surrounding teeth are straight and white :) You have plenty of trays to fix that anyway, though, and I'm sure it will work out. Cheers

zone6 said...

Your pics are really great! I love how the spacing closes in more with the aligners in. It's like getting a sneak peek of what's to come! I love it.

TheOtherSideOfTheStory said...

Yeah, I won't be too broken up about it if the mid line doesn't get fixed. As long as the reason I decided to GET invisalign is gone, I will be happy!

Thanks. I know it is so exciting. Glad I am able to show you what you will be going through soon. It is crazy what these aligners can do!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on coming so far! I'm actually on aligner 13, treatment ends at 16 and my ortho is going to send away for adjustments he wants. exciting!