Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I get home todayб and just for the heck of it decide to check the answering machine(I am a serial non fact, I just recently learned how to use it.) and there is a message that my invisalign is in! in 6 days! So I made the appointment for Tomorrow morning. Probably stupid but I couldn't do it on Friday since I have to work on a presentation after school for god knows how long. Plenty past closing time, though I could have slipped it in between classes on Friday. Oh well, I don't talk much at work anyway so It shouldn't be a problem. Plus, getting up for the appointment will be good for me. Maybe then I won't piss away the morning and will start researching for my paper due Monday while I wait to start work.

Only problem is I have to pay by credit card and am in the process of upping my limit, but if I can get it as high as the fee by tomorrow....that is another question. And the banks in my hometown are now closed so I cant get my parents to transfer money into my bank account(I am 1500 short) and I believe the banks do not open up in that town until 10ish which is...after my appointment....

Oh the troubles.

So my plan is to eat a huge breakfast and pop some advil so I don't have to take them off until the night for a brushing. And the appointment is only 10 minutes so I guess they are not putting on the attachments right away(or maybe it takes that little time?).

I am just thrilled at the speed of this all. I was preparing for getting the aligners until the middle or end of February. So this is quite the pleasant surprise!(I hope I don't use up all my good luck in the beginning here)

Well, tomorrow no doubt I will have something to say about actually wearing them. Wish me luck!

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