I've come to the conclusion that web cameras suck for detail. Especially shiny teeth. Therefore the pictures I did take didn't turn out. Two were...barely passable but I will post them anyway. It's possible that I will be the only one that sees the attachments.
I tried to draw arrows to where the attachments are, but not sure if that will be helpful.

You'll notice that in the above picture, I am wearing the aligners, whereas the one below I am not. You can see how much they minimize the gap. I didn't realize it minimized it that much. It also makes my teeth look like a nicer shape, more rounded than square. Wish they were really like that!(this will probably be nice incentive for me to wear the retainer for so long afterwards!)

Nothing new about this set. They are getting easier to take off-still need a mirror to do it faster though. And it ALWAYS gets caught on the bottom right attachment, its my only problem. I don't know if it is at a slightly different angle than the others or if its just a bit bigger or what, but it always gets caught. I can have the whole aligner off all the others and off my teeth and it still won't get off. Oh well. Also, when I take the aligners off, my top teeth hit the bottom teeths' attachments. Kind of annoying to eat with, but nothing I can't get used to. I also noticed some pain in my molars when eating this morning and tonight. Not too bad, but so far this is the first time there has been any discomfort from so far back. Usually it is the front tops and bottoms that hurt.
That is crazy the difference in how the gap looks..I didn't realize the aligners would make it look so much smaller. By the way, how has your speech been with the aligners?
My speech is fine I think. Only the first week was it really noticeable.
In your specific case, do you know what the attachments are supposed to do? Why they were put on the specific teeth they were put on?
No, I am sorry I don't why why those particular teeth were chosen. I don't know if it was because they are problem teeth(though my teeth are all rotated in the right way but it may have to do with fixing my bite a bit)or if they were just chosen because they are teeth that WOULD work as places for the attachments(because if they had put them on my front bottoms I would hit them with my top teeth every time I closed my mouth). Sorry I can't be of more help!
Are you in the process of getting Invisalign, or are you still just researching?
I am in the process of getting them...just waiting for them to come in.
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